AfroPunk. Carnival of (black) consciousness

A post about a RL (Real Life) event? Wasn’t this blog supposed to be devoted entirely to Second Life and his virtual world? Yep. And it will. But this has to do with it. And everything is connected..
Second Life is about imagination, music, art, identity. All these ingredients were also in that wonderful event which took place last saturday September 24th in London. AfroPunk Festival London was an entire day/night full of people, fashion, art, music, food, related to Africa some way and to Black culture in general. When I saw the news on BBC, I was astonished seeing how much people (black or not) were partying together and showing their best side.. a kind of “Carnival of Consciousness“, as the claim of the next edition that will take place in Atlanta US, next october.
Yes, because AfroPunk festival was born in Brooklyn and has expanded to Europe, Paris and London, adding some other editions in the US.


I never had the opportunity to attendĀ such an AP event, but I’ll look forward to be in Paris next edition. Because just like our beloved Second Life, this is a Real Life opportunity to reflect about culture, exchange experiences, dance, talk, simply have fun partying.. Be human, eventually. Such an inspiration.
Give a look at the AfroPunk website, at their Instagram, Twitter and FB linked below, and at the BBC tv report linked up here. And if you want to feel a bit of Africa while reading and watching, here you can find a suggestion for something to listen to..


Oh.. last thing.. If someone here in SL had the possibility to attend one of these events, please let me know your thoughts. Or if you know there is something similar in SL, I just saw there’s a Black Rock Rebels group linked to people involved in AP. Maybe I just don’t know.. See ya soon!

AfroPunk Website

artabsencefearAfroPunk Twitter

AfroPunk Instagram

AfroPunk Facebook