My uncovered [DJ] dream

Neybah djing

Ok.. my secret dream is uncovered.. being a DJ. When wandering around SL’s sims, sometimes I find some empty clubs and venues, and the DJ console and turntables are there, unused and silent. I glance furtively around, and if nobody is there I jump behind the DJ console and switch on everything I can.. Then I start to spin my dreams and beats all around..

If you want “to listen” to this picture, right now, just click this beautiful SoundCloud mix by the great DJ Naiki, dedicated to the Queen Erikah Badu (no extra words needed to describe her music, I swim happily in it anytime I can). Here:


I was not actually at a club here, but on a wooden platform on the wonderful sim of Pino, which always worth a visit. I place I love.
I was in my super relaxed fashion mood here, and you’ll find the details of my comfortable outfit down here as usual. The loose tanktop and the old weekenders (that I own since 2 years now.. ehe) give me a feeling of simple comfort that is perfect for me when wandering around alone inworld.
Can you hear the beat? Are you bouncing around in front of your keyboard? Let me know. Kisses from Neibah  ❤

Neybah resting

Outfit details:

TANK | REDGRAVE Loose-Tanktop Vintage Dark

PANTSDRIFT Weekenders2 [MESH] Denim w/Color Change HUD

SHOESaDiva Luvlee Bare Foot Sandal Anthracit  for TMP/Slink/Maitreya

NECKLACE | KOSH Multiplex necklace V2

BRACELETSZARIS  bracelet – copper