Neybah and Samira

Connection is a word I love. I think it has to do with friendship, sometimes with love, many times with the feeling to acknowledge someone, or even to find him/her again, in another person. Maybe we had loose them for some reason, and then, they’re there again. Not necessarily the same people. But the same way of understanding things, to be curious about things, to laugh about what’s happening..
In Second Life I have many times this kind of sensation to find out again something I knew already. And when I find this in people, and more often in women I know, I feel a warm feeling, like it’s not only single people meeting (me and her) and relating, but the feeling of a kind of network, which extends along the time and that feeds on our experiences and our memories. It tells us that we are all connected.
Sometimes this insight comes in a special moment, a sweet one.
In this case, it came while I was dancing with a dear friend of mine, Samira, in the back hall of the Fogbound Blues venue, pretty busy with people all around.
But that moment’s connection, made of music, silence, and a deep gaze into the eyes, it was also made of memories, laughters, conversations, books, opinions exchanged with Samira, but also with other people I really care about in this parallel universe. And that maybe I do not see since a while.
This is the beauty of life. First, Second.. it doesn’t matter. At all.

(this post is also dedicated to Ana Gabriela)

If you can’t help but try to know what my outfit is here, le voilà:

HAIR | AIBEAT *Roots * black
TOP | ASTERIA “Stela” Top Brown Pattern [Maitreya-Slink-Hourglass]
SKIRT | FashionNatic Idira Skirt
BANGLESKIBITZ – Zaris bracelet copper

9 thoughts on “HUMAN CONNECTION

  1. I only can agree to readmeri. Lovely words. I have met a lot of people in SL, but with very few I really felt a connection. But I also have to say that every of those connections feels different to me. Different people, different personalities and different experiences i had with each of them..
    And Ney, thank you for placing a picture of us here and mentioning me in your blog. It leaves me with a warm feeling.
    Sending hugs and kisses to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re right Samira, and differences are only richness, as usual. Maybe my bad English helped give the idea that I always seek the same emotions in all the people I meet here. Obviously I do not. And you know it… 🙂 Thank you for stopping by, but even more than that, thank you to share with me some walks through the Second Life planet! Big big hugs..


      • I do get your point, Ney. Everything is connected in one or another way.
        And your english isn’t bad at all 🙂
        And thank you too for the wonderful moments we shared, and the ones we will share in the future 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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